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Santa Clara County, California historical properties designated as significant resources in three state registration programss: State Historical Landmarks, Points of Historical Interest, and the California Register of Historic Places are included on the list below.  Information is provided by the Office of Historic Preservation - California Department of Parks and Recreation and is also available in the California Historical Landmarks Book. 

- This adobe, among the oldest in Santa Clara Valley, was one of several continuous rows of homes built in 1792-1800 as dwellings for the Indian families of Mission Santa Clara. It links the Franciscan padres' labors with California of today.
Location: 3260 The Alameda between Benton and Franklin Sts, Santa Clara

NO. 250 OLD SITES OF MISSION SANTA CLARA DE ASIS AND OLD SPANISH BRIDGE - The first mission in this valley, Mission Santa Clara de Thamien, was established at this site by Franciscan Padres Tomás de la Peña and Joseph Antonio Marguia January 17, 1777. Here, at the Indian village of So-co-is-u-ka, they erected a cross and shelter for worship to bring Christianity to the Costanoan Indians.
Location: SE corner of Central Expressway and De la Cruz Blvd, Santa Clara

NO. 259 VASQUEZ TREE AND SITE OF 21-MILE HOUSE - This famous tavern and stage stop was located 21 miles from San Jose on the road to Monterey. The 21-Mile-House was built in 1852 by William Host beneath a spreading oak that later was called the Vasquez Tree. The house was sold to William Tennant in November 1852. Now destroyed, this stopping station was a place where horses could be changed, fed, and stabled, and where tired and hungry passengers could refresh themselves.
Location: NW corner of Tennant Ave and Monterey Hwy (Old 101), Morgan Hill

NO. 260 SANTA CLARA CAMPAIGN TREATY SITE - After an armed confrontation on January 2 and a meeting the following day, Marine Captain Ward Marston, commander of the United States expeditionary force, and Francisco Sánchez, leader of the Mexican-Californian ranchers, agreed to a treaty here on January 7, 1847. U.S. forces were to recognize the rights of the Californians and end seizures of their property.
Location: Civic Center Park, NE corner of El Camino Real and Lincoln St, Santa Clara

NO. 338 MISSION SANTA CLARA - Founded nearby on the edge of the Guadalupe River on January 12, 1777, this is the first California mission to honor a woman-Clare of Assisi. The mission, which once had the largest Indian population of any in California, was moved after floods and earthquake, its fifth church was dedicated on this site in 1825. In 1851 Santa Clara College was established in the old mission buildings.
Location: In front of Mission Church, Univ of Santa Clara, The Alameda and Lexington St, Santa Clara

NO. 339 NEW ALMADEN MINE - The Indians used pigment from this cinnabar hill for paint. Mercury was mined as early as 1845. The gold discovery made mercury indispensable, and the mine, the most productive in America, became world famous. It sold for $1,700,700 in 1864.
Location: On N-bound old Hwy 101 (P.M. 27.5) (Monterey Rd), 1/2 mi S of Ford Rd, San Jose

NO. 339-1 NEW ALMADEN MINE - Here, along Arroyo de los Alamitos Creek, Luís Cabolla and Antonio Suñol did the first mining in California as they worked New Almaden ore in their arrastra. In constant production since 1845, the mine has produced more than a million flasks of quicksilver valued at over $50 million.
Location: Bulmore Park, Almaden Rd and Almaden Way, New Almaden

NO. 416 EDWIN MARKHAM HOME - Markham was born at Oregon City April 23, 1852 and later moved to a cattle ranch near Suisun. Later he and his mother moved to San Jose, and Markham entered the State Normal School, from which he graduated in 1872. Markham lived and taught school in many places but made this home his main residence, and it was here that he wrote The Man with the Hoe.
Location: Kelley Park, 1600 Senter Rd, San Jose

NO. 417 FIRST NORMAL SCHOOL IN CALIFORNIA (SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE) - Originally founded as a private institution, 'Minns' Evening Normal School,' in 1857, the school became a public institution by act of the State Legislature on May 2, 1862. In 1868 the board of trustees took up the matter of permanent location, and Washington Square in San Jose was chosen. Destroyed by fire February 11, 1880 and heavily damaged by the 1906 earthquake, the school was rebuilt after each disaster.
Location: San Jose State University, located on Tower Hall in Washington Square, NE corner of San Carlos and 4th Sts, San Jose

- Within a year after the opening of the first overland route from Mexico to Alta California, Governor Felipe de Neve authorized establishment of California's first civil settlement. Lieutenant José Joaquín Moraga arrived in the Santa Clara Valley with 14 settlers and their families on November 29, 1777 to found El Pueblo de San José de Guadalupe near the present civic center.
Location: Front parking lot planter, City Hall, 151 W Mission St, San Jose

NO. 434 SITE OF CITY GARDENS - NURSERY OF LOUIS PELLIER - Pellier, native of Saint-Hippolyte, France and founder of California's prune industry, came to California in 1849. In October 1850 he established a nursery called City Gardens. Here, aided by his brothers Pierre and Jean, who came over from France at a later date, he introduced the French prune-la petite prune d'Agen-into California during the winter of 1856-57.
Location: 100 block of W St James St, San Jose

NO. 435 SARATOGA - The Anza exploring party passed through the Saratoga area March 25, 1776. Lumbering in the mountains, which began in 1847 and continued many years, brought the area's first settlers in 1850. Among other industries established were a lime quarry (1850s), grist mill (1854), tannery (1863), paper mill (1868), and paste-board mill (1870). Pacific Congress Springs was a popular resort from 1866 to 1942. Farmers here pioneered in fruit industry and held Blossom Festivals beginning in 1900, after the end of a drought.
Location: Located in park, SE corner of junction of Hwys 9 and 85, Saratoga

NO. 447 GUBSERVILLE - Named after Frank Gubser, a German immigrant and barber, Gubserville was an important stage, mail, and teamster stop on the road between San Jose and Saratoga. Gubser served as the village's first and only postmaster, beginning July 5, 1882. Gubserville ceased to exist officially when the post office was discontinued on April 15, 1897.
Location: 1481 Saratoga Ave, San Jose

NO. 448 PATCHEN - 'Mountain Charley' McKiernan, one of the earliest residents of the Santa Cruz Mountains, settled near here in 1850, and John Martin Schultheis and his wife homesteaded land about a mile from here in 1852. Their home was still standing in 1950. The Patchen Post Office, named for a famous racehorse, was located in this vicinity from 1872 to the 1920s.
Location: Intersection of Old Santa Cruz Hwy (P.M. 3.57) and Mtn Charlie Rd, 1.2 mi SE of Holy City

NO. 458 FORBES FLOUR MILL - This is all that remains of the four-story stone flour mill built in 1854 by James Alexander Forbes. The town that grew around this building was first called Forbes Mill, then Forbestown, and finally Los Gatos.
Location: Forbes Mill Museum, 75 Church St, Los Gatos

NO. 461 SITE OF CALIFORNIA'S FIRST STATE CAPITOL - Directly opposite this tablet was located the first State Capitol Building, in which California's first Legislature assembled in December 1849. San Jose was the seat of government from 1849 to 1851.
Location: City Park Plaza, 100 block, S Market St, San Jose

NO. 489 MORELAND SCHOOL - Established in 1851 as a subscription school meeting in private homes, this is the oldest rural school district in California. Its first teacher, Charles LaFollette, 1851, taught for three months, the second teacher, Abraham H. Featherman, stayed six months. Through efforts of Samuel Curtis Rogers, its third teacher, who taught from 1852 to 1854, the first public school building, formerly the home of Zechariah Moreland, was obtained in 1852. In 1853 Rogers secured organization of the school as Santa Clara Township School District No. 2, the school was renamed in Moreland's honor in 1862.
Location: 4335 Payne Ave at Saratoga, San Jose

NO. 505 ALMADEN VINEYARDS - On this site, in 1852, Charles LeFranc made the first commercial planting of fine European wine grapes in Santa Clara County to found Almaden Vineyards. LeFranc imported cuttings from vines in the celebrated wine districts of his native France, shipping them by sailing ship around the Horn.
Location: 1530 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose

NO. 524 SITE OF JUANA BRIONES DE MIRANDA HOME ON RANCHO LA PURÍSIMA CONCEPCIÓN - In 1843 Apolinario Miranda, husband of Juana Briones de Miranda, was sent before the subprefect for not living harmoniously with his wife and, shortly thereafter, Juana and her seven children arrived at Rancho la Purísima Concepción. In 1856 this property was duly confirmed to her, and she lived in this adobe until, crippled by rheumatism, she was forced to move.
Location: 4157 Old Adobe Rd, Palo Alto

- Martin Murphy, Jr. arrived in California with his family in 1844 in the first wagon train to cross the Sierra Nevada. The founder of Sunnyvale, he constructed here his prefabricated lumber house, brought around the Horn in 1849. Members of the Murphy family lived here continuously until 1953, when the property was acquired by the City of Sunnyvale. The house was destroyed by fire in 1961.
Location: Martin Murphy, Jr. Historical Park, corner of N Sunnyvale and California Aves, Sunnyvale

NO. 733 PAUL MASSON MOUNTAIN WINERY - Premium wines and champagne have flowed continuously since 1852 from the winery that bears the name of Paul Masson, even during Prohibition under a special government license. Twice partially destroyed by earthquake and fire, the original sandstone walls still stand. The 12th-century Spanish Romanesque portal came around the Horn.
Location: Turn N off State Hwy 9 (P.M. 5.6), go 0.3 mi on Pierce Rd and turn left on Paul Masson Mtn Winery Rd, continue for 1.2 mi to winery, Saratoga

NO. 800 ARROYO DE SAN JOSEPH CUPERTINO - This arroyo honoring San Joseph, patron saint of flight and students, was first discovered and traversed by Spanish explorers in 1769. On March 25-26, 1776, Colonel Juan Bautista de Anza made it his encampment No. 93, as mapped by his cartographer, Padre Pedro Font, on his journey to the San Francisco Bay area where he initiated a colony, a mission, and a presidio.
Location: Monta Vista High School W parking lot, 21840 McClellan Rd, Cupertino

NO. 813 MONTGOMERY HILL - Three-quarters of a mile northeast is Montgomery Hill, site of the 55 successful flights of John Joseph Montgomery's 'aeroplane' that demonstrated aerodynamic developments still indispensable to modern aircraft. Montgomery combined his engineering skill with the basic principles of aerodynamics that he discovered to produce a heavier-than-air flying machine which had complete control: cambered wing, rear stabilizer, flexible wingtips, and wing-warping aileron.
Location: Entrance to Evergreen College, 0.5 mi E of intersection of San Felipe and Yerba Buena Rds, San Jose

NO. 834 EADWEARD MUYBRIDGE AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF MOTION PICTURES - In commemoration of the motion picture research conducted in 1878 and 1879 by Eadweard Muybridge at the Palo Alto Stock Farm, now the site of Stanford University. This extensive photographic experiment portraying the attitudes of animals in motion was conceived by and executed under the direction and patronage of Leland Stanford. Consecutive instantaneous exposures were provided for a battery of 24 cameras fitted with electroshutters.
Location: Stanford University, Campus Dr W across from Stanford Driving Range, Palo Alto

NO. 836 PIONEER ELECTRONICS RESEARCH LABORATORY - This is the original site of the laboratory and factory of Federal Telegraph Company, founded in 1909 by Cyril F. Elwell. Here, Dr. Lee de Forest, inventor of the three-element radio vacuum tube, devised the first vacuum tube amplifier and oscillator in 1911-13. Worldwide developments based on this research led to modern radio communication, television, and the electronics age.
Location: In sidewalk, SE corner of Channing Ave and Emerson St, Palo Alto

NO. 854 OLD POST OFFICE - Constructed by the United States government in 1892, this was the first federal building in San Jose. It served as U.S. Post Office from 1892 to 1933. Designed by Willoughby Edbrooke and constructed of locally quarried sandstone, this Romanesque-style structure is the last of its kind on the West Coast.
Location: 110 S Market St, San Jose

NO. 857 JOHN ADAMS SQUIRE HOUSE - Designed by T. Paterson Ross and constructed in 1904 by builder George W. Mosher, this house is a notable example of California's interpretation of the Greco-Roman Classic Revival movement in America.
Location: 900 University Ave, Palo Alto

NO. 866 LUÍS MARÍA PERALTA ADOBE - The last vestige of El Pueblo de San José de Guadalupe. This simple adobe was rehabilitated in the mid-19th century. It is believed to have been built before 1800 by Manuel Gonzalez, an Apache, who was one of the Pueblo Pobladores founders. It was later owned and occupied by Sgt. Peralta, pueblo comisionado from 1807 to 1822, who also came to California with the Anza expedition in 1775-76.
Location: 184 W St John St, San Jose

NO. 868 WINCHESTER HOUSE - Built by Sarah Winchester, widow of rifle manufacturer William Winchester, this unique structure includes many outstanding elements of Victorian architecture and fine craftsmanship. Construction began in 1884 and continued without interruption until Mrs. Winchester's death in 1922. The continual building and remodeling created a 160-room house covering an area of six acres.
Location: 525 S Winchester Blvd, San Jose

- Jay Orley and Everis A. Hayes built this Mission Revival style mansion, designed by George W. Page in 1904. The Hayes brothers were early San Jose Mercury publishers, prominent valley politicians, and were actively involved in establishing the Santa Clara Valley fruit industry. The mansion consists of 62 rooms, 11 fireplaces, and was paneled in over a dozen different woods.
Location: 200 Edenvale Ave, San Jose

NO. 895 HOSTESS HOUSE - Designed by Julia Morgan for the YWCA, this building originally served Camp Fremont as a meeting place for servicemen and visitors, and was dedicated in 1919 to those who died in World War I. Moved from its original site to Palo Alto to become the first municipally sponsored community center in the nation, it is the only remaining structure from California's World War I Army training camps.
Location: 27 Mitchell Ln, near NE corner of University Ave and El Camino Real, Palo Alto

NO. 898 ROBERTO-SUÑOL ADOBE - This historic adobe was built in 1836 by a native Californian, Roberto Balermino, on Rancho de los Coches, which was officially granted to him by Governor Micheltorena in 1844. The one-story dwelling was enlarged in 1847 by the new owner, Antonio Suñol, the second story and balcony were added in 1853 by Captain Stefano Splivalo.
Location: 770 Lincoln Ave, San Jose

NO. 902 FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH OF SAN JOSE - This church's architectural character is generally described as Richardsonian Romanesque, it is one of the few churches in America patterned after the traditional Unitarian churches of Transylvania. Designed by architect G. W. Page and erected in 1891-92, the building has served its congregation continuously since construction.
Location: 160 N 3rd St, San Jose

NO. 903 KOTANI-EN - Kotani-En is a classical Japanese residence in the formal style of a 13th-century estate with tile roofed walls surrounding a tea house, shrine, gardens, and ponds. Constructed for Max M. Cohen in 1918-1924 of mahogany, cedar, bamboo, and ceramic tile by master artisan Takashima and eleven craftsmen from Japan, Kotani-En represents a harmonious union of art and nature in a two-acre rustic environment. Kotani-En is a prominent example of Japanese landscape architecture in America.
Location: 15891 Ravine Rd, Los Gatos

NO. 904  CHARLES COPELAND MORSE RESIDENCE - C. C. Morse of Ferry-Morse Seed Company fame built this mansion, claimed to be the largest remaining late Queen Anne-style Victorian residence in the City of Santa Clara in 1892. Morse was a pioneer in the seed industry whose work had a substantial impact upon the economic growth of California.
Location: 981 Fremont St, Santa Clara

NO. 910  ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - Established in 1803, St. Joseph's was the first non-mission church in a Spanish California settlement. The present edifice, designed in Italian baroque style by noted architect Bryan C. Clinch, is the fourth to be built at the original site. Its cornerstone was laid March 19, 1876, and it was dedicated April 22,1877.
Location: 90 S Market St at San Fernando St, San Jose

NO. 913 LOU HENRY HOOVER HOUSE - This 1919 residence, a unique blend of pueblo and international style elements, embodies Mrs. Herbert Hoover's innovative architectural concepts. It was executed by architects A. B. Clark, Charles Davis, and Birge Clark, and was maintained as the Hoover family home from 1920 to 1944, it was here that Hoover received news of his election as President of the United States in 1928. Upon Mrs. Hoover's death, the house was given to Stanford University.
Location: 623 Mirada Rd, plaque located 100 ft S of intersection of Cabrillo and Santa Ynez Aves, Stanford University, Palo Alto

NO. 945 FIRST SUCCESSFUL INTRODUCTION OF THE HONEYBEE TO CALIFORNIA - Here, on the 1,939-acre Rancho Potrero de Santa Clara, Christopher A. Shelton in early March 1853 introduced the honeybee to California. In Aspinwall, Panama, Shelton purchased 12 beehives from a New Yorker and transported them by rail, 'bongo,' pack mule, and steamship to San Francisco. Only enough bees survived to fill one hive, but these quickly propagated, laying the foundation for California's modern bee-keeping industry.
Location: San Jose Municipal Airport, 1661 Airport Blvd, San Jose

NO. 952 SITE OF WORLD'S FIRST BROADCASTING STATION - On this corner stood the Garden City Bank Building, where Charles D. Herrold established Station FN, the first radio broadcasting station in the world. As a pioneer in wireless telephony (radio), Herrold established the first station in 1909 to transmit radio programs of music and news to a listening audience on a regular basis.
Location: SW corner of First and San Fernando Sts, San Jose

NO. 969 HOME SITE OF SARAH WALLIS - Sarah Armstrong Wallis (1825-1905) was a pioneer in the campaign for women's voting rights. In 1870 she was elected president of California's first statewide suffrage organization which in 1873 incorporated as the California State Woman Suffrage Education Association. The home she built on this site, Mayfield Farm, was a center of suffrage activities attracting state and national leaders such as Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Ulysses S. Grant.
Location: S side of La Selva Dr between Military Way and Magnolia Dr, Palo Alto

NO. 976 BIRTHPLACE OF SILICON VALLEY - This garage is the birthplace of the world's first high-technology region, "Silicon Valley." The idea for such a region originated with Dr. Frederick Terman, a Stanford University professor who encouraged his students to start up their own electronics companies in the area instead of joining established firms in the East. The first two students to follow his advice were William R. Hewlett and David Packard, who in 1938 began developing their first product, an audio oscillator, in this garage.
Location: 367 Addison Ave, Palo Alto

NO. 1000 SITE OF INVENTION OF THE FIRST COMMERCIALLY PRACTICABLE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT - At this site in 1959, Dr. Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation invented the first integrated circuit that could be produced commercially. Based on 'planar' technology, an earlier Fairchild breakthrough, Noyce's invention consisted of a complete electronic circuit inside a small silicon chip. His innovation helped revolutionize 'Silicon Valley's' semicondutor electronics industry, and brought profound change to the lives of people everywhere.
Location: 844 E Charleston Rd, Palo Alto

NO. 1017 GILROY YAMATO HOT SPRINGS RESORT - Under the guidance of the George Roop and William McDonald families during the years of 1865 of Francisco Cantua's discovery to the 1930s, Gilroy Hot Springs was a popular health and family resort oriented around a single hot mineral spring located near Coyote Creek. In 1938 the resort was purchased by H.K. Sakata, a successful Japanese American farmer from Watsonville. Renamed the Gilroy Yamato Hot Springs, it was the only Japanese American owned commercial hot springs in California. The resort served as a recreational and spiritual center for Japanese Americans before World War II and briefly as a hostel after the war for those returning from internment camps.
Location: 9.5 mi NE of junction of New Ave and Roop Rd on Hot Springs Rd, Gilroy
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places: NPS-95000906
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