Below is a list of primary phone numbers for City departments and programs.
To download a more detailed listing of City answer point phone numbers click here.
General Information: (408) 730-7500
Office of the City Attorney: (408) 730-7464
Office of the City Manager: (408) 730-7480
City Clerk’s Office: (408) 730-7483
City Council: (408) 730-7473
Communications: (408) 730-7535
Community Resources (408) 730-7599
Economic Development: (408) 730-7606
Community Development: (408) 730-7444
Housing Division: (408) 730-7250
One-Stop - Building/Planning/Permits: (408) 730-7444
Community Services
Adminstration: (408) 730-7517
Child Care Resources: (408) 523-8150
Columbia Neighborhood Center: (408) 523-8150
Community Center: (408) 730-7350
Facility Reservations: (408) 730-7751
Recreation Program Registration: (408) 730-7341
Senior Center: (408) 730-7360
Sunken Gardens Golf Course: (408) 739-6588
Sunnyvale Golf Course: (408) 738-3666
Theatre Box Office: (408) 733-6611
Employment Development
CONNECT! Job Seaker Center: (408) 774-2365
NOVA Workforce Services: (408) 730-7232
NOVA Youth Employment Program: (408) 730-7640
Finance: (408) 730-7380
Business Licenses: (408) 730-7620
Purchasing: (408) 730-7405
Utility Billing: (408) 730-7400
Human Resources: (408) 730-7490
Volunteer Services: (408) 730-7533
Information Technology: (408) 730-7540
Sunnyvale Public Library: (408) 730-7300
Public Safety: (408) 730-7100
Animal Control: (408) 730-7178
Crime Prevention: (408) 730-7140
Fire Prevention: (408) 730-7652
Neighborhood Preservation: (408) 730-7610
Public Works: (408) 730-7415
Sewer/Water Problems: (408) 730-7510
Street Lights/Potholes/Sweeping/Debris: (408) 730-7510
Street Trees/Sidewalks: (408) 730-7505
Recycling Program: (408) 730-7262
Traffic Signals: (408) 730-7415
Water Pollution Control Plant: (408) 730-7260